Thursday, March 19, 2009

Judo for kids!

Judo is more than physical martial arts, for many masters, judo is school of life. Even in terminology of judo, "do" represent a way, or how to do something, or a school, In literally translation "judo" is "gentle way" (and we think immediately how to throw somebody with easy), but not, I'll try out to translate terms of judo freely "school with easy".

Judo meaning "school with easy"!

Learning judo we learn and develop a lot of skills as focus, teamwork, control, balance, speed, memory, discipline, respect, fitness, agility, flexibility, coordination, courage, self-confidence etc. After, with time those skills are helpful in social and professional life. Why not, to adapt them from early childhood?

Watch this video, how to give intensity in judo training. Not only for kids, for every judoka, especial in preparation period.

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